The 4FC

Did you know the government has a weather machine, that's why we're getting so many hurricanes!... Isn't the human body like 90% salt?... If you get invited to your first orgy, don't just show up nude. That's a common mistake. You have to let nudity "happen"... What, are you a communist? Isn't this America? I'm sorry, I thought this was America!... Hey kid, I'm a computer, stop with all the downloading! (Help computer)... And everyone in the audience has to be naked to get into the show... All's I know is birth'n babies... Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar... Iambic pentameter, and you can forget about the cat food... I looked at the plant, then I tasted it!... So I says to Mable, I says... That's right, ALL the tea... Then a little squirell told me to kill people?.. Did everything just taste like purple?... Hey, buddy... Yeah YOU!... What's your problem? Why don't you mind your own business?!... Jack and Jill went to the slums to fetch a bag of crack, Jill got mugged and Jack was bugged, they never made it back... Sorry, but this isn't a porno site. You're probably looking for the 4FUC... You can't stop this marquee... It will scroll forever.

Friday, October 22, 2004

What are the officials up to?

Hello everyone, just thought you should know what's been going on at headquarters. We are in the process of finalizing our club constitution and pinpointing our faculty advisor. Soon enough we shall have an official legal club, then all those activities we've been planning can finally come into play. The VP and I were out surveying today, almost everyone on who lives on campus has heard of us and most of the college kids we talked to are excited to take part in the events we have planned, foremost, the Homeless Kissing Booth. As a growing community organization, we have decided to do a charity fund raiser, we will have 4FC members, a stuffed animal, and a plant available for people to kiss for a buck or so, and all proceeds will be going to the local homeless shelter. We may not be able to get this set up for a few months, but if any of you are willing to take a shift at the booth please let us know so we can more easliy organize this.

Thank you as always,
-4FC Prez-


  • Jason,
    I think we should have a spot on the blog, a tribute if you will, to the Canadian of the month. This way we can show our friends to the North just how much we care. I think the first one should be William Shatner, in light of his new sung-spoken word album "Has Been". Here's the link
    And I would be more than glad to write this monthly addition.

    By Blogger J. Montgomery Spencer, at 2:23 PM  

  • I do agree that we need some "spots" on our site in order to showcase such things, I will begin rendering the site. MOTL (more on this later, get used to my stupid abbreviations)

    By Blogger Itheus, at 4:34 PM  

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