The 4FC

Did you know the government has a weather machine, that's why we're getting so many hurricanes!... Isn't the human body like 90% salt?... If you get invited to your first orgy, don't just show up nude. That's a common mistake. You have to let nudity "happen"... What, are you a communist? Isn't this America? I'm sorry, I thought this was America!... Hey kid, I'm a computer, stop with all the downloading! (Help computer)... And everyone in the audience has to be naked to get into the show... All's I know is birth'n babies... Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar... Iambic pentameter, and you can forget about the cat food... I looked at the plant, then I tasted it!... So I says to Mable, I says... That's right, ALL the tea... Then a little squirell told me to kill people?.. Did everything just taste like purple?... Hey, buddy... Yeah YOU!... What's your problem? Why don't you mind your own business?!... Jack and Jill went to the slums to fetch a bag of crack, Jill got mugged and Jack was bugged, they never made it back... Sorry, but this isn't a porno site. You're probably looking for the 4FUC... You can't stop this marquee... It will scroll forever.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Our Constitution

4FC (Fourth Floor Club) Constitution
As Updated 11/29/04

Article I – Our label

The name of the organization chartered under this constitution shall be the 4FC (Fourth Floor Club) of Bemidji State University.

Article II – Our Telos

The purpose of this organization, the 4FC, will be to create community ties on and off campus, promote individual growth, and to provide a community spirit to enhance and aid students in collegiate and other external goals.

Article III – Who?

Section 1.
Membership shall be open to all BSU students and any other interested parties, including those of the BSU faculty and staff, as well as members of the greater Bemidji community.

Section 2.
Membership in this organization will not be discriminating with regard to race, creed, sex, age, religion, marital status, national origin, sexual preference, or status with regard to public assistance or physical disability.

Section 3.
Members must adhere to the constitution in order to retain membership.

Section 4.
Members must attend a minimum of two (2) meetings a semester to retain membership status.

Section 5.
At least 25% of the membership must be BSU students

Article IV – The Capitalist Speaks

Section 1.
There are no dues to be paid by members, though charity is always welcome.

Section 2.
In the event the club should dissolve, all remaining funds shall be donated to the Bemidji State University General Fund

Article V – Those with “Power”

Section 1.
The officers of this organization shall be: President, Vice-President, Artistic Director, and Treasurer.

Section 2.
Only those whom live on the fourth floor of any established campus residential hall may become officers, due to the fact that people who live on the fourth floor of said buildings are on average of greater age and maturity, have more knowledge of and experience with residential living and campus concerns, and said knowledge and experience will help keep them focused on the organization’s telos and aid them in continuing the club for centuries to come.

Section 3.
If there is a lack of fourth floor resident commitment to official positions, the vacant position will be available to student members of the organization, pending member vote.

Section 4.
The duties of these officers shall be as follows:

The President shall preside over the organization as a whole, run meetings, have the power to call special meetings with at least twenty-four (24) hour notice given to the membership, create committees, appoint (in conjunction with the Vice-President) chapter representatives, and other such duties that may arise.

The Vice-President shall assist the President in all of his/her duties, preside over the organization in his/her absence, appoint (in conjunction with the President) chapter representatives, and will be responsible for all communication between the officers and the membership.

The Artistic Director shall be in charge of developing promotional ideas, conjuring artistic vision when needed, and advising the President and Vice-President with regards to creative inspiration.

The Treasurer shall be in charge of all monetary duties, including but not limited to: paying bills, tracking revenue/expenditures, and reporting of this to the organization.

Section 5.
All officers shall be elected by secret ballot at the second to the last meeting of the Spring Semester and will assume full duties at the beginning of the Fall Semester.

Section 6.
In the case of a presidential vacancy, the Vice-President will assume that position. All other vacancies will be filled pending the outcome of a member-wide election.

Section 7.
The term of each office shall be one (1) academic year.

Section 8.
At least one constitutional officer must be a BSU student.

Section 9.
If at any point an officer feels they cannot competently do their duty, or if other situations arise which hinder the person’s ability to participate, they can resign from the position. Their membership in the organization will continue as long as they follow the constitutional obligations set forth in Article III, Sections 3 &4.

Section 10.
If an officer fails to do their duty and or fails to attend three (3) consecutive meetings, their status as an officer may be revoked by a vote from the Executive Board and Chapter Representatives. The vote will be recognized as an impeachment only if two-thirds (2/3) of the ballots are for the removal of the officer. If an officer is impeached, their membership status will be revoked and said person cannot be reinstated as a member for thirteen (13) months, four (4) days, and seven (7) hours.

Article VI – Chapter Representatives

Section 1.
Due to the expansive possibility of the 4FC, a Chapter Representative(s) will be a person, or persons, who lives near many 4FC members. Chapter Representatives can range from residents of BSU Residential Halls to members of a specific geographic location for those who live off campus.

Section 2.
Chapter Representatives are appointed by the President and Vice-President at the start of the Fall and Spring Semesters.

Section 3.
Chapter Representatives will be in charge of keeping members in their specified chapter up to date on current 4FC meeting and activity information, encouraging non-4FC members to join, encouraging 4FC members to attend meetings, and possibly organizing activities for their specific chapter.

Section 4.
Chapter Representatives report directly to the Executive Board.

Section 5.
In the case of a Chapter Representative vacancy, the President and Vice-President will appoint, with the advice of the chapter members, a new Representative.

Section 6.
If a Chapter Representative fails in their duty, the President and Vice-President have the authority to remove them and appoint someone more committed.

Article VII – Organizational Structure

Section 1.
Meetings shall be held weekly with at least two (2) meetings per semester to remain active.

Section 2.
All members shall have one vote with a simple majority rule of a quorum of the membership. Quorum shall be half plus one (50% + 1) of members.

Section 3.
The President shall establish committees. If established, committee chairs shall become advisors to the Executive Board.

Section 4.
Meetings will be structured in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised if and when procedure comes into question.

Article VIII – Advisor

Section 1.
An advisor will be selected from the Bemidji State University faculty and staff who will support and, if they would like to, participate in the organization’s activities.

Article IX – Ratification

Section 1.
This constitution once passed by the forming organization must be sent to the Student Senate. After approval by the Bemidji State University Student Senate and by the Associate Director of Hobson Memorial Union, it will be sent to the University President for ratification.

Article X – Amendments

Section 1.
This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds membership vote at any meeting. The proposed amendment must have been submitted to the Vice-President for a reading at the previous meeting. This amendment must then be sent to the Bemidji State University Student Senate for ratification.


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