The 4FC

Did you know the government has a weather machine, that's why we're getting so many hurricanes!... Isn't the human body like 90% salt?... If you get invited to your first orgy, don't just show up nude. That's a common mistake. You have to let nudity "happen"... What, are you a communist? Isn't this America? I'm sorry, I thought this was America!... Hey kid, I'm a computer, stop with all the downloading! (Help computer)... And everyone in the audience has to be naked to get into the show... All's I know is birth'n babies... Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar... Iambic pentameter, and you can forget about the cat food... I looked at the plant, then I tasted it!... So I says to Mable, I says... That's right, ALL the tea... Then a little squirell told me to kill people?.. Did everything just taste like purple?... Hey, buddy... Yeah YOU!... What's your problem? Why don't you mind your own business?!... Jack and Jill went to the slums to fetch a bag of crack, Jill got mugged and Jack was bugged, they never made it back... Sorry, but this isn't a porno site. You're probably looking for the 4FUC... You can't stop this marquee... It will scroll forever.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Armistice Day Shoot

It was a beautiful afternoon in the gravel pit. I brought out my full arsonal for the gang to have at. In attendence: Jason (President), Isaac (Treasurer), Jarva (fmr. Oak Hall Rep.), Speiker (Speaker), members: Lindsay, Steve, and our newest member Nick. Also in attendence was Norm, Gen."Lumpy" McClellan, and Jason.

Here is Nick with my WWI Enfield infantry rifle.
(He fell over from the recoil.)

Jason giving Lindsay her first shooting lesson.
"Tell Norm to stand still, she's new at this game."

The DNR came and kicked us out after 90 minutes because this is supposedly a animal refuge, and it's hunting season. We'll be back in the spring, and maybe have a compitition.

Good times everybody.
-Jack Spencer (Artistic Director)


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