Chapter Representatives Needed!!!
It's a fun job! You get to organize your chapter to do whatever you want, within reason, you get to hang out with the bigshots and help make decisions regarding the future of the 4FC, and you get to help us spend our money!!!
Much glory and honor come with the title, such as the likes of great tribal warriors and future world dominating dictators, all this can be yours!
All you have to do is notify us, have a chat, and you're pretty much in, however, we prefer people who have a good amount of influence over their 4th floor cohorts.
Both representatives will have equal power in their chapters, and any disputes will be settled by our officials. Sign up quick, spaces are obviously limited.
(If your chapter would like to elect representatives through it's own means, go for it, have brute strength competitions or battles of wits, it matters not as long as it's agreed upon.)
-4FC President-
I think we need to promote the fact that The Fourth Floor Club has been asked to perform at the grand opening of the Oak Hall Game Room. I suggest much music. And singing, I know some of the girls in the 4FC who would love to show their vocal talents.
Your humble Artistic Director,
J. Montgomery Spencer, at 4:09 PM
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